Jan 20, 2011

RewardVille Loot Images


Thanks to Kim for e-mailing me the following images of the Mafia Wars loot items available through the RewardVille program. It's in the Beta phase and is slowly rolling out to players. I don't have it yet so the only information I can post comes from players who do.  The coin below each image is a zCoin and not a Reward Point. zCoins are earned by playing all the Zynga games not just Mafia Wars. How you spend them is up to you. I would assume most would buy the items shown below.
These are only the images, the stats can be found HERE or by doing an inventory search (type the name into the inventory search bar).

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. when can i lay hands on them?

  2. are those reward points below the image of the item ??

  3. @Anonymous #2, I edited the article for you. Those are zCoins not Reward Points. For more info on this program, I've made 2 other posts about it.

  4. Skill points, reward point, loyality points, victory tokens, zcoins. Who can keep track of all those?

  5. are those reward points below the images? Can I use my victory coins or loyalty points? lol

    Thanks, Patterson.

  6. so is there a way to get an account? i didn't participate on the zlotto


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