Jan 5, 2011

Reward Point & Marketplace Sale


When you log into your Mafia Wars account, you will get a great offer for 40% off Reward Point purchases.  This offer will last for 24 hours.
Here is the break down of what Reward Points will cost during the next 24 hours.
In addition to Reward Points, Marketplace items are also on sale.
If you miss th pop-ups, don't worry, you can see the notices and get to the Marketplace from the game header icons or the home page module!
Everything except for the Stat items and Daily Chance Tickets cost less than they normally do.  Here are the items and the percentage they are marked down.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. as usual though, without a credit card they cannot be bought online.

  2. I believe you can buy with PayPal.

  3. why waste your money, I mean seriously?
    I did in the start until the double loot weekend, and I so kick myself in the arse over it also.

  4. the way the stats are going, only thing is stamina points,
    given up on loot items, they are a waste of money.


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