Jan 26, 2011

New Bookmarklet By Spockholm Team - Spocklet!


Since the Fight Club is updated with some great items and there is NO timer on buying it, we have to click one by one to buy each item.
Don't worry, Spockholm team will not let you to waste your time doing this.

They have created one tool called SPOCKLET a.k.a Marketplace Fight Club Buyer Spocklet!

Please check the discussion here on Spockholm fan page.

Yes, it will allow you to purchase any amount of items you would like, depends on how many Victory Coins you have there.
This is a live version of script. Run this script on the unframed window at your Fight Club page : Spocklet script.

Here are the screenshots when I use the Spocklet tool..
Unframed your game windows, go to Fight Club page at the Marketplace..
Paste the above script here on this page.. You will see the following pop up message.
(Since the best NON replaceable item is now only 1 item ie : Glance 32 R, so it's better if you choose to buy this one.)
Enter the number of the items you desire to purchase, for example 23 for the Glance car.

Click on OK button, you will see another pop up box.
Enter how many amount you want to buy. Click on OK button again...


Wait for few seconds until you see this message..

Yep, you can repeat the process or go buy another Fight Club items using this great tool! Wheeeeeeeeee..

Update :
Since there were some issues with running the Marketplace Spocklet the team has put a temporary drag and drop version up on the The Informant Podcast page.
Please go there, find the bookmarklet, just drag and drop it to your Bookmark toolbar.

Update 2 :
Yes, they release the bookmarklet on Spockholm's page under external tab : Spockholm Mafia Tools.

Find this bookmarklet and put it on your bookmark.

Sit back and relax!

PS : Credit goes to Spockholm team. Spock On!!!

Article written by Ade,
Creator of the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Spock...help me. Help me spooock.
    Tyty! Took me over an hour to get 490 sharks. Took me a half a minute to set up buying 460+ glances and 300+ splints.

    Spock on!

  2. didn't work for me, so i made my own which has a much better interface

  3. Well as recommended I burnt 15000 points on that car32 and no increase?
    Took 3 goes to get this to work?

    Found the other item worth 500 coins increased my stats
    What makes this car32 so special?

    Bloody not happy no fighter refill for 100coin for new episodes!

    the whale

  4. ade/jennifer can you guys please post the top loot items from fights, jobs, and fight club purchases?


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