Jan 16, 2011

My Recruits Revisited


About 2 months ago, I told you about a new feature called My Recruits (1). The feature seemed ridiculous (and still is) because we need to find people on Facebook who haven't yet allowed the Mafia Wars application.
I wasn't able to do that and was quite surprised when I saw that I had a Recruit. I don't know where he came from but there he is.  I must have had him for a while because there is a big MIA over his picture.  Seems like he isn't a good Recruit either since he is still on level 1.
I noticed a "Remind" button so I clicked on it and a post was generated just for him.
I waited a few days and when I checked back my Recruit was still a level 1 and this time I had a "Kick" button.  Well I don't want to kick him out as he is the closest thing I have to a Recruit.  Besides, I have 7 vacant spots.
I did click on the "Kick" button to see what would happen but I didn't proceed by clicking on the "Yes" button.
Fauzia was much luckier than me and posted a Recruit that did his job on The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.  You can see the Recruit has a completed over their image and there is a nice collect button.
For their efforts, this is what Fauzia and her Recruit got.
Nice try Zynga, but we can all fight for a few minutes and come out way ahead. Finding virgin Mafia Wars players and turning them into addicts is your job not the players. If you want us to do it for you then you need to up the ante and make it worth our efforts.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I was wondering about that...I wonder what filling all spots gets you? Hmmm...Thanks, Patterson...still no response to my response on your response to my response to your post :(


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