Jan 24, 2011

Italy Regions 6-8 411


Finally we have the info about the new Regions of Italy! If you check the Customer Support Page, you will find this : Italy Regions 6-8 411.

In case they change anything in the future, I will copy the info here. Here you go :
Monday (24th) - Official Mafia Wars Italy Regions 6-8: 411, Factoids, and FAQ

Mafia Wars Italy Regions 6-8: 411, Factoids, and FAQ

Please Note - Click Here for ITALY Regions 1-5 - 411, Factoids, and FAQ


There are 3 New Regions in Italy - Calabria, Citta del Vaticano, and The Eternal City.

The only new property - Nightclub

Property - Exclusive Part, Region (Job)

Nightclub - DJ, Calabria (Set Up Your Nightclub)

Region(Job) - Job consumable required

Calabria (Rig the Vote for Local Governor) - Smart Phone

Calabria (Set Up Your Nightclub) - Smart Phone

Citta Del Vaticano (Blow Up a Hole in the Vatican Wall) - Hidden Charges

Citta Del Vaticano (Scale the Vatican Wall) - Smart Phone

Citta Del Vaticano (Procure a Roman Sewer Map) - Cooked Books

Citta Del Vaticano (Locate the Secret Archive Vault) - Hidden Charges

The Eternal City (Infiltrate Rafael Di Rossi's Spy Network) - Smart Phone

The Eternal City (Meet a Traitor) - Smart Phone

The Eternal City (Smuggle in Explosives) - Hidden Charges

The Eternal City (Demolish Di Rossi's Villa) - Hidden Charges

Region(Job) - Job consumable produced

Roma (Intercept a Handoff in the Colisseum) - Severed Pinky

Roma (Assassinate a Corrupt City official) - Severed Pinky

Palermo (Track Down Don Adriano) - Rail Pass

Milano (Free a Professional Assassin) - Smart Phone

Milano (Blackmail A Track Official) - Cooked Books

Milano (Interrogate A Lackey) - Cooked Books

Napoli (Snag a Lucrative Disposal Contract) - Hidden Charges

Calabria (Set Up Your Nightclub) - DJ

Region - Job items needed

Calabria - Bribed Official, XC48 Superboat, Rabbia SMG, Bolo Bizetti

Citta Del Vaticano - Tranq Pistol, RDX, Vatican Cart, Cassock

The Eternal City - Guanti, Gioni Alfo, XC48 Superboat, Bribed Officials, RDX

Region - Loot Drops (non-giftable)

Calabria - Rex Enterra (V), Arriverderci (W), Angelo Della Morte (W), Meadow Viper(An), Asconini 33(V), Italian Porcupine (An), Giove Velocita(V)

Citta Del Vaticano - Popemobile (V), Templar Hammer (W), Templar Shield (A), Giove Velocita (V), Pontiff-1 (V), Holy Hand Grenade (W), Swiss Guard (A)

The Eternal City - Guanti (A), Spaghetti Western (W), Armatura Ramarro (A), Swiss Guard (A), Marco Marino AF (V), Roman Legion (W), Sea Eagle (An)

Region - Boss, Mastery Item

Calabria - Don Messino, Messino's Pistol (W)

Citta Del Vaticano - Commandant Ebersold, Sword of St. Godfrey (W)

The Eternal City - Don Rafael Di Rossi, Di Rossi's Assassin (A)


Factoid: There are 4 tiers of Mastery (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby). Each Region will have 2-3 paths (Energy, Fight, Social).

Factoid: You do not need master all paths to finish a tier. Beating a boss will automatically advance you to a fully unmastered map on the next tier. If you want the skill points from completing jobs in other paths, be sure to complete those jobs before mastering the tier.

Factoid: You can request help on a Social Job every 12 hours

Factoid: Some job consumables will be harder to obtain and may require doing multiple jobs (like New York City required Concealable Camera Loot as a consumable requirement for the job that produced Blackmail Photos) You will need Cooked Books (from Milano) to do the job (in Napoli) that produces Hidden Charges.

Factoid: Job consumables are designed to be obtainable from certain jobs in Regions 1-5. Yes, this means you will have to repeat jobs in Regions 1-5 to complete jobs in Regions 6-8

Factoid: Factoid, like Vegas, job consumables, property parts, collection items, and loot drops will occur and random and at varying rarities. Job consumables will drop from specific jobs. Specific loot drops will only drop in specific regions.

Factoid: All DJs currently in inventory will be removed prior to the release of Regions 6-8. These are unreleased items.

Factoid: Jobs in Regions 6-8 will produce less Lira than Jobs in Regions 1-5.

Factoid: Regions 6-8 will have more social jobs than Regions 1-5

Factoid: Jobs in Regions 6-8 will have higher energy requirements on average than Regions 1-5.

If you have any feedback or opinions about Italy Regions 6-8, please visit -http://getsatisfaction.com/mafia_wars/

The survey is located here - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/mw_italyregions678

Customer Support agents do not have access to information about Italy Regions 6-8, and are not authorized to reveal information until Italy Regions 6-8 is officially released.

So all the DJs we have been collected so far will be reset back to zero.
It's ok, I think we can get them easily dropping from spesific job for Property.

PS : Thanks to Luis for the quick info!

Article written by Ade,
Creator of the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. The job to get DJ's from requires Smart Phones

  2. Wow, that looks like a lot of consumables are required, guess it's at least 80 per job. That means, 400 Smart Phones and 320 Hidden Charges won't be too much - I don't even have half of that...

  3. I think that Zynga will also make the consumable maybe giftable... i had a conversation with a support member and the developer will think about that... regards S!LVeR (if you want add me :-))http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000607966609

  4. so even the DJ's Z gave me in mystery shipments will be taken away - that sucks - they cocked up not us

  5. does anyone have any idea if the job loot drop rate increases if i master a higher tier?

  6. They didn't take the dj's away, I got my nightclub to level 10 on the first day region 5 opened

  7. Hi people i am selling italy loots and also doing rp injection. In case you want to get them please contact me using my link. Thanks



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