Jan 24, 2011

Energy Pack Test


Check out this Zynga Forum Board Thread (1) to learn about a test going on that will involve a shorter time between when we can use Energy Packs. This is great news as that's one thing players have wanted to see for a long time. Don't be sad if you aren't chosen or try to get added to the test group. Blue Eye Nate explains that this is a temporary thing and is for research purposes only. Please contact me if you are one of the players selected or post your images on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Very Timely.

    Good Job.


  2. The more the merry. First, I get to craft 1 extra time every 72hrs now I get extra refills. I just hope my autoplayer scripts can keep up. 24/7 build every 18 = strong and mean

  3. maybe that's why i can't collect my energy pack at all,they're fooling with things

  4. Yesterday I had problems with the energy pack. had to click several times until it worked. Today it is already available, and again after 8 hours :))) very nice....


  5. Nice gettin' it every 8 hours now! Maybe I'll get Bangkok done one day! LOL!! Just wonder how long they're gonna' be so generous!


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