Jan 9, 2011

Facebook Shut Down Rumors


I'm sure you have all heard the rumor that Facebook was shutting down on March 15th. I found the original source of this rumor to be an article that was posted on a website called Weekly World News.
If you read the article and didn't bother looking around the site or to question the validity of it, you may be one of the people perpetuating this viral rumor. All you needed to do was look at one of the other articles posted to know that this self proclaimed "World's Only Reliable News" is not fact based.
If this isn't enough to convince you that rumors of Facebook shutting down are completely fabricated, go to the Official Facebook Fan Page and see for yourself.
We see people in the Mafia Wars community post rumored information as being fact all the time.  To prevent panicking your mafia, consider your sources and question information before you share it to avoid spreading false rumors.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. love that` check your sources, but remember if you are caught using skype and running brawler while eating pizza your account WILL BE BANNED~

  2. Ohhh no, ALIENS! lol

  3. actually it's intended to be a fabrication, that website is about humor and funny "news", there are articles like "Sarah Palin is a robot!" or "George Clooney to run for president" or "10 ways to protect your house from zombies" or "Megan fox marries, but she's still a man"...if somebody took news from a fun website as real, they really need to start on themselves a long and arduous process know as "thinking about stuff"...


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