Dec 21, 2010

'Tis The Season For Stealing: Part 2


I got the following e-mail message from Zynga today.
This is like a Part 2 of the home page ad we started seeing a few days ago (1).
It also gives us a clue about the 3 mysterious loot items that were dropping in fights 6 days ago (1).
We will find out what's inside the presents on New Year's Day.  That's not fair, we should be able to open presents on Christmas!  Otherwise this sounds like fun to me.  When I clicked on "Go Now" from the e-mail, I was directed to my Mafia Wars game.  Here is a re-print of the 'Tis The Season For Robbing 411 Robbing and FAQ (Holiday Event).  Thanks to one of my readers for commenting on where to find this info.

Tis The Season For Robbing 411 and FAQ (Holiday Event)

Updated 12/21/2010 03:05 PM
The holiday season is here and it's time to collect gifts Mafia Wars style! Every player will be granted a tree that starts at level 1 and holds different color presents. The tree has a maximum of 5 levels and each greater level holds more presents.

During this event presents can be requested and stored throughout this holiday event. Be careful because unlike other events presents can be stolen! All presents will remain locked until New Year's Day when they can be opened to start the New Year off with some cool prizes. Be sure to review this article to gain a better understanding how Presents, Tree, Robbing, and Opening Presents will function. Happy Holidays from Mafia Wars!

How Presents Work?

Presents will come in three different colors: red, blue, and green. Each color of presents will have a unique set of items. Items found in red presents will be different from items found in green presents and so forth. Players will earn presents by requesting from friends, robbing other Trees for presents and collecting from Holiday Mystery Bags. All presents regardless of color are of equal value. Be sure to upgrade the Tree to level 5 so the maximum amount of 45 gifts can be stored.
What are Holiday Sacks and how do they work?
You'll receive Holiday Sacks from friends through Facebook requests or by clicking the envelope on the Mafia Wars homepage.
Your Holiday Sacks may be filled with Presents or lumps of coals. Accept your Holiday Sacks by midnight on Dec. 31. You must have 45 presents accepted by New Year's Eve in order to earn the Grand Prize.
If you reach the maximum capacity of presents (45) for your tree, you will be awarded an alternative item when you accept a Holiday Sack.
What's happening on Dec. 25?
Come back and play Mafia Wars on Dec. 25 to receive one free upgrade to your Tree. You will also receive a special reward, the North Pole weapon (ATT 110, DEF 93).

How do I rob presents from a tree?

In this event it is important to protect your presents because gifts can be stolen! That's right. You have the ability to rob another player's presents and add extra presents to your own tree. Trees can be robbed through the robbing board, which can be found under the Fight tab from the homepage. Presents can be stolen throughout the entire event until New Year's Eve when presents can be opened.

Can a player be repeatedly robbed?
-Users can only rob presents from the robbing board and no one player can be repeatedly robbed. However, it is possible to be robbed multiple times per day and lose different amounts of presents per day. All users with presents under their trees are eligible to be robbed.

What do I get if I rob a present from another player's tree?-When a user successfully robs an unprotected property they earn one present and the user of the robbed property loses one present.
-Failure on a robbery results in no present. If a player fails while robbing, regardless of protected status, no reward is gained and only half the XP will be rewarded.
-If a property is protected and is successfully robbed, the rob attempt will remove one protector from the property. The robbinguser will not earn a present since the property is protected but instead a substitute item will be rewarded.
-If a robbing user has successfully robbed a present from underneath a tree and has also reached the max capacity of presents, then a substitute item will be rewarded.
How Protection Works?

Ask friends to protect your presents from being robbed. Protection can be purchased directly with reward points or when friends accept a request you send to their Facebook wall. Every Tree has a maximum of 6 protectors for their presents at any given time. Each time a user is successfully robbed while being protected, one protector is lost.

Protection covers all presents. Only one wall-to-wall message can be posted to the same user in a 24-hour period (this limit applies to other in-game wall to wall messages as well). Any player can click on the wall-to-wall message link to become a protector. Players who accept protector requests earn a holiday sack and count as one protector. A user can be a protector to multiple players, but he or she will only count as one protector for each player.

Opening Presents (New Years Day)

Players will be informed their presents are available to open starting on New Year's Day. Presents come in three colors (Red, Green and Blue) and each color of presents has a separate group of items.

Once all presents have been opened, the Tree will disappear and the event will be removed from the home page. Any HolidaySacks opened after New Year's Day will reward items found in regular mystery bags.

**Users who fully upgrade their Tree and mange to safeguard and open the maximum of 45 gifts (Level 5 Tree with maximum stored gifts) will earn the Grand Prize, the Auld Sang Lyne (ATT 110, DEF 135). Be sure to fully protect your Tree prior to New Years Day to ensure the ultimate reward item is achieved***

On New Year's Day players can no longer rob from Trees or send/ask for extra presents.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many levels does the Tree have?
The Tree has a maximum of 5 levels
What items will be needed to upgrade the Tree?
The Tree can be upgraded with Ornaments, Lights and Candy Canes
Where can I find the items needed to upgrade the Storage Tree?
Ornaments, Lights, and Candy Canes can be purchased with reward points, found through news feeds, wall-to-wall messages, posting requests to ask for items and inside Holiday Sacks.
Can I send Tree upgrade items or presents to friends through the free gifts page?
No, upgrade items and presents can be asked/sent through wall-to-wall messages, postings and requests.
What are the limitations on wall-to-wall messages?
Up to 3 rewards can be granted from each wall-to-wall message; one wall-to-wall message can be submitted to the same user every 48 hours
How many times can I collect items from wall-to-wall messages?
Up to 10 rewards can be earned from wall-to-wall message every 24 hours
How many wall-to-wall messages can be sent per day?
Up to 45 wall-to-wall posts can be posted to different friends within a 24 hour period
How many items are needed to upgrade the storage tree and what are the storage limits?
Storage limit / Number of Items needed to upgrade storage tree
Level 1: 3 Gifts
Level 2: 9 Gifts / 9 Items (3 of each: Ornaments, Lights, and Candy Canes)
Level 3: 18 Gifts / 12 Items (4 of each: Ornaments, Lights, and Candy Canes)
Level 4: 30 Gifts / 18 Items (6 of each: Ornaments, Lights, and Candy Canes)
Level 5: 45 Gifts / 24 Items (8 of each: Ornaments, Lights, and Candy Canes)
**Secret Tip**
If you haven't received your gifts, your tree will be empty. An empty tree cannot be robbed. However, you will need a full tree before the clock strikes midnight, Pacific Time. It is a good idea to make sure your tree is fully upgraded to Level 5 and make sure your tree is full before the timer runs out on December 31st.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. yes there is a 411 faq read the thread

  2. Thank you so much! My search skill must suck as I couldn't find one. Time to edit.

  3. no problem i just put THE word(TIs) an i got the 411

  4. LOL, I just looked at the most recent updates! Guess I actually need to search as those may not be in order. Appreciate it!

  5. Has "Tis the Season of Stealing" Event Started or not. If so, then where can we see it. I can't see it till now. Or it is like being rolling out slowly to all like other events.
    Can anybody tell..

  6. for the #$%^ sake, aren't we allow to have a quiet xmas event with families and friends, and not to guide the crap tree???? at TI there is a tree already similar with the concept above, minus the robbing presents, but heck, this is seriously disrespectful!

  7. take time out from this one, if I get gifts, fair enough, but family time is more important than MW. One less inventory, not going to cry


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