Dec 11, 2010

New Home Page Layout Complaint Department


The new home page has been implemented on about 1% of all accounts and already the complaints are rolling in faster than the update!  Just yesterday a discussion thread on the Zynga Forum Boards titled Another unwanted change (hometab) was started.  There are already 136 replies and the only person who likes the update is this guy.
Don Metz22376 also states that "the same old people whine and complain" so it's hard to say if overall this change will be looked upon favorably by the majority of the players.  I don't have it on my account yet so I can't formulate an opinion.  When asked about some of the new features, Scott, The General Manager of Mafia Wars, stated that "Everything we do is interactive and although we are launching features now, we will continue to improve so feedback is important.  These features take some time to develop and enhance".  Scott's sentiments are evidenced by a reply from Al Catraz, Super Moderator, on the discussion thread reference above.  Al asks one of the players who is not happy with the change if the home page would be better if Player Updates were put back on the home page.
There are a few misconceptions about the home page and the most common complaint thus far seems to be the lack of Player Updates.  Personally I think there are too many sets of player updates in the game but I think some players like the ones that used to be visible at the lower left section of the home page.  Here are some of the common complaints so far.

1.  I can't see my Player Updates.  

The My Mafia Activity module will contain the last 4 updates that will identical to those in your Player Updates stream.  We currently have 2 section of our game which show updates.  The Player Updates section and the Beta Live Updates.  To get to your Live Beta Updates, click on the icon on top of the game header or you can click on "Show all updates" from the Your Mafia Activity module.
Both options will direct you to the Beta Live Updates page.
Getting to the Player Updates section requires a few extra clicks as it is now located on the My Mafia page.
2.  The Daily Take is no longer visible.

You can see here that the Daily Take is visible in the upper right hand corner of the Your Mafia Activity module.  Remember if you collected it within the last 24hours, it will not be there.  This is the same as it was before.
3.  There is too much Flash in the game.  

There is no flash on the new home page layout.  This was confirmed by Bossy Don from TopMafia.Info (1).
The guys over at have arranged the home page layout on the MWAP to reflect what they feel is more useful to the players.  Here is what the homepage looks like when the MWAP is turned on.  The Player Updates have been placed on the homepage and each property has a quick link for the next build.
Ng Wai Boon posted an image of his new home page on Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.  It's nice to see your progress from the Job Module but not when it's not accurate.  He has mastered Las Vegas a long time ago yet the home page says his last job in Las Vegas is 0% mastered.  
I'm sure there will be more bugs to work out which is why Zynga is rolling the new home page out very slowly.  I suggest that players give it some time so they can used to it before complaining.  If there is something you don't like or want to suggest, it's important that you do so in a constructive manner on the forum boards.  

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I like the layout. My issue is that the game is now slower than ever.
    The changes they recently made in the homepage layout (moving your Mafia) sped things up considerably... but this change just undid the progress ten-fold.

  2. i got lucky...for some reason moscow part 1 wasn't complete for me...

    i did it again with not complaint...was happy to get some easy skill pts

  3. I liked the old home page better! It isn't just the player updates that is missing. The section on the right side of the old page that allowed you to scroll through your mafia and renew energy, see what's on the wish list, give assistance, play slots, etc. was one of the best part of the game. It made me feel like I had a team that I could help. Pretty much everyone knows how far they are in each city...don't need that! To me it seems like they replaced useful stuff with more game promotion...don't know how much longer I'll stay in the game.

  4. People are afraid of really it's true :))

    It's definitely busy though.

    fyi...there is a link at the bottom to quickly find your updates.

    Thanks, Patterson :)

  5. some of the features of the new homepage don't make sense...for example we have a button to collect all parts from chop shop, armory, etc. but it won't collect money from buildings...truth be told most people don't need this money anyway, but I still see a lot of them going to the property page to press Collect all button not only the Collect parts...second thing, we have only the 4 new york properties on the page, Port should also be there, otherwise it doesn't make sense and people will still be navigating to the property page to buy from the port, btw. the my village page loads far longer than new york properties page, it would really help some people if the port were accesible without entering...just my two cents :)

  6. Mine is screwed up ... Have finished all the cities .. and the new page i find that they have rolled back too far .. Italy jobs were easy ones so did them for the profile points ... Vegas .. not a cat in hell chance of me doing them all they are last level fight .. 8 clicks all stamina used .. i think not .. i will be complaining to Zynga.

    Finished Italy Village last night .. posted award and photo on wall ... come in today and the Vinnary shows only level 8 - what a mess !!

    And NO .. i do not like the home page .. duplicated info .. can not see incoming gifts . or daily chance lotto - player updates are duplicated all over the place .... all they are interested in is players buying Coins .. why don't they leave it alone and sort out the glitches and the problems with helping on boss! fights!!

  7. I dont understand why zynga do all the upgrade and put in new stuff before they fix all the bugs in the game.

  8. everyone say that the new home page is sucks and nobody at all love it so why zynga just bring the old home page back , zynga sucks

  9. i cant see my 100 % progress in NY cuba and moscow i only see unmastered cities
    how i can see that it is 100 % complete
    answer me in new podcast

  10. Folks, I am in agreement with all above, I do not like the new page.

    We must remember, that Zynga is a commerical company, and all changes are to benefit them, to get us to part with our hard earned $$$$. They need them to survive, sure they listen to us, we we all get together to complain, then and hopefully then will they listen and return to the old page, and Yes, fix all those bugs.

    personally I am tried of my gifting page working one week, then frozen the next week.


  11. I think when everything gets worked out it will be great. One thing I noticed is when you send someone a wishlist item or other gift that there is no notification for it and it can be overlooked and go into oblivion. There is sometimes an email notification but not always. I ran a test and sent a gift to a friend and they never received it or an email notification. Will there be something on the homepage telling us we have a gift? I'd really like to see this and I know others would too. It would have been better to roll this out when so many other new things were not happening like the zoo, cupcakes, etc. I hope Zynga is not more concerned with rolling new items out than with fixing the problems we now experience.

  12. New homepage was not needed or wanted. Lack of gift notification sucks. And of course, they made it real easy for you to make one of the low level zoo animals .... you know peeps are gonna be pissed about hitting that button and picking up another useless turtle.

  13. I would like to know how you know you have new loot gifts to open

  14. I have seen a ton of changes in MafiaWars, since I have played for a long time. There were very few changes I didn't care for, most were a good move. This one is different, because on my page most of the features talked about in the article above don't show. I can't help anyone with their requests, or see much of anything on my page that I can do. Whatever this is, if this won't work better than it does now, I may have to give up on a game that I played since 09.

    1. This post is over 2 years old. You need to go to this post. All you need to do is complete the 6 quests and you will get the normal version of the game back.


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