Dec 24, 2010

Myth Busters: Flash and Mafia Wars


When I went to San Fransisco earlier this month, I had many opportunities to talk to Mafia Wars Developers.  One thing that many of them pointed out was that Mafia Wars actually contains very little Flash.  Since I'm no computer expert, I just acted surprised and pretended to understand what they were talking about.  I always assumed that Flash was the culprit of my game being so slow.  I've even made jokes about Flash on this blog.  Last time the system went down for maintenance, I suggested it was so they could add more Flash to the game.
Finally someone took the time to explain all this.  Bossy Don of TopMafia.Info made a great post and demonstrated all of the areas where Flashed is used on the front end of the game.  She induced a Flash crash and all of the sickly looking puzzle pieces show everywhere Flash is used. To read more about what is and is not Flash, check out her post by clicking HERE.  The next time you see one of your mafia members whining and complaining because of all the Flash, you will be able to correct them.  I know we all say we are going to quit playing for various reasons, but has anyone actually stayed away?  As Carlito said, "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!".

(image from TopMafia.Info)

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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