Dec 1, 2010

More on The Bonus Payment


The mysteries have been unlocked on the Bonus Payment.  Zynga realized that when we perform jobs while doing missions that there were no pop-ups to annoy us.  Problem solved!  The Bonus Payment is a pop-up that you will get when you are doing a job to help one of your mafia members on their missions.  I got my first one this morning while doing the Peddle The Merchandise job for the Steal A Dockyard Shipment Mission.
It appeared once I gained 100% mastery of the job.
When I clicked on "Share Mystery Bonus!", I was given the option to send a Bonus Payment to my mafia members.  I chose 3 accounts that I have access to so I could see what type of things are offered.
The requests showed up and I opened all 3 of them.  I noticed a new type of request on one of these accounts.  I guess Facebook wants to keep up with Zynga and change things that really don't need to be.
Some of the rewards were good and some worthless.  These must be on the same line of code as Mystery Bags because you get the option to use Reward Points to get another "Mystery Bag".
Fauzia Ali posted the following image of what her Bonus Payment on The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.  A Turkey Vulture is a pretty good piece of loot so you will want to accept these.
Thanks to Haider who sent his Bonus Payment images to Ade to post on The Mafia Wars Maniac Blog.  He also answered one of my questions and it appears that Bonus Payments only drop when you complete a mission job.  Also thanks to the many players who shared the types of rewards they received.  A few players have reported getting the elusive Sniper Scope so you won't want to ignore these.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. was lucky to get a sniper corpe on this way :-)

  2. Your Bonus Payment contained: Mook Jong. You also earned 5 Loyalty Points! Accept more requests from friends to earn Loyalty Points!

  3. got the sniper scope on my 1st one :D

  4. i wonder about mwap and playing with the supposed terms changes

    mwap really is nothing but a combination of all the marklets and makes it more efficient to play but you still have to decide your own strategy and playing style and this just helps you do it but zynga is a write terms to be able to ban all and they add so much crap that to play at all you really need help since no human can do all the crap they add non stop

  5. I got the sniper scope on my first one as well.

  6. I got a sniper scope too


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