Dec 25, 2010

Mafia Wars: A year in Review


Imagine if someone had to review and document a whole year of Mafia Wars? I have trouble getting everything that happens in one day so this isn't a task I would want to undertake.  Bossy Don of TopMafia.Info has written a nice review and it's fun to read and reminisce over the ups and downs of the past year.  Many of us try very hard to keep you informed and we work together behind the scenes.  Trying to cover everything in a game as complex and dynamic as Mafia Wars can not be done alone and players should look at more than one source for their information.  When it comes to strategy nobody is right or wrong and players need to choose what is important to them and play the way they enjoy.  I thank everyone who helps by sending me great questions and information, my guest bloggers and most importantly all of the sites I reference in this blog.  Click HERE to read it in it's entirety.

Its been another year for Mafia wars.....We have all spent countless hours in Mafia wars, doing what we enjoy... playing the game....clicking away, doing jobs, completing missions and Icing those who get in our way......

On the 1st Day of Xmas Zynga gave to me BUGS

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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