Dec 24, 2010

Lumps of Coal


By now you should have noticed that there are 2 different Lumps of Coal. One of them looks like a pile of crap and the other looks like a pile of crap with a ribbon wrapped around it.
The first Lump of Coal is received when opening Holiday Sacks from your mafia members.  They don't give it to you on purpose, it's one of the possible items that could be in the sack.  Seems like Zynga is putting more Lumps of Coal in these things than presents.
The Mafia Wars Wiki Lump of Coal Page has all the details about this Lump of Coal that has an attack and defense score of 1 and 1.  It is giftable but I don't think your mafia members will appreciate getting one of these as a gift!
The second type of Lump of Coal is obtained through robbing and protecting your mafia members. This lump may look familiar because we saw it last year in our Gift Safe House.  It was the Crime Spree gift you gave to your mafia members who you wanted to sabotage instead of help. The Mafia Wars Wiki Lump of Coal (Ribbon) Page also has the low down on this Lump of Coal.  It's prettier and has better stats (22/14) than the other one but it still sucks.
What really sucks is the drop rate for this thing when you rob.  Check out how many I got while doing a 6,797 stamina run in New York. I know the other items are useless as well but I only got 3 presents and 70 Lumps of Coal.  What am I suppose to do with them? Nobody has the answer to this and I think they are just a way to make opening Holiday Sacks and robbing more entertaining.  Hopefully the Pawn Shop feature will soon be implemented and we can trade them in for something decent.  I also noted that my exp/stamina ratio was not increased as players were reporting yesterday.  Either I my robbing skills need work or Zynga nerfed the ratio back down.  Please comment if you had an increase yesterday but don't today.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. If you've reached the limit of 45 gifts under your tree all your Holiday Sacks will reveal Lumps of Coal.

    Additionally failed "Tree" robberies will yield Lumps of Coal.

    I don't know what Zynga wants us to do with these things.

  2. only successful robberies yield loot and unfortunately they consider these lumps of coal as loot (although it's poor loot). but after you finish your tree expect nothing but mostly coal from your successful tree robs. the xp ratio is still 4.0-4.1x though. 6 stamina yielding 24-26 xp per rob, not bad considering that there is always exactly 1 tree per robbing board.

  3. Well, I got 1043 Lumps of Coal right now... :/
    My overall board ratio is still the same as yesterday. (2.89 - 2.94)

  4. Failed Tree robberies drop Lump of Coal. Check your robbery details and you will see that.

  5. lumps of coal are Items that drop from successful Holiday Tree robberies when that have been protected. One of the protectors is taken away but you only receive a Lump of Coal.

  6. When the maximum capacity has been reached on the storage tree (Level 5 and 45 presents stored) accepting holiday mystery bags will reward lumps of coal (this item can be saved for later use).not sure for what but that was part on statement from customer service support page.

  7. I have almost 8,000 lumps of coal now - I do hope that it can be used somewhere!! (I have more of these than brass knuckles now)


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