Dec 1, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake


Zynga has fixed the pop-up for the Cake Jailbreak Gifting Event.  We all had a blast making fun at that one!
Here is one last look at the Calling Cards/Cake pop-up.
Here is the corrected version.  Hopefully this will show Zynga that it would be better to slow down and give us a breather between events.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. DO you know if we will be able to replay the cake event like the last 2 events?

  2. Jennifer~ Great job on keeping us up to date on all of Zynga's changes within the game. My head spins on the number of events going on back to back and simultaneously. I haven't been able to upgrade Italy since all these events started as everyone wants to send these items. As a MW daily player, I just want to have a 6 month hiatus from all this extra garbage!!! Do them maybe once a quarter so they are special. Honestly, if it weren't for the people I've met and speak to daily...I would have quit playing 3 months ago.


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