Dec 13, 2010

Home Page Change: Player Updates Module


Whoever says that Zynga doesn't listen to their players needs to check out their home page.  After many players complained that the Player Updates were no longer viewable from the home page, a Player Update Module was added to the new layout and can be found below the Job Module and the Build Your Empire Module.  I'm glad that the Your Mafia Activity Module is still there because I like it.
Now the Player Updates are located in two different locations in the game.  The home page as shown above and in the My Mafia Section.
You can also find updates in the Live Beta Update section located on top of the game header.  Nobody should be complaining about a lack of information of your mafia activities now.
The friend ladder is also located the My Mafia section.  It was moved from the home page quite sometime ago but some players are just noticing it is missing and are confused as to it's location.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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