Dec 28, 2010

Daily E-mail Bonuses


Make sure you join the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page and go to the discussion thread titled Daily E-mail Bonus.  Mike Nestor updates this thread daily with a link to get a e-mail bonus from Zynga.

Here are examples of the great and not so great things you can get. Remember to have a low stamina balance before using the link.  Nothing is worse than getting the stamina refill when your stamina is already full! I've done it more than once.  Ignore the messages you get with them, those are just the last e-mails Mike received.
Today I got 2 Reward Points.
Here are things that Mike got in the past.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Jennifer, you should make a post about all the "special event" itens that we can see on our inventory sellecting "I don't own". There are a lot of unreleased itens. It would be very interesting.

  2. .45 Cal Pistol +1 is also an email reward

  3. This is my first time to join this..


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