Nov 17, 2010

Silence Of The Wasps


The 11th Episode of the Informant Podcast is now available.  Many of you have asked me about the name "Silence Of The Wasps".  If you've been listening twice a week, Chainsaw Chester likes to talk about a wasp problem he has.  His wasp problem has been solved and he has stopped talking about it on the show!  Because of this, Episode 11 is packed with Mafia Wars related material.  To listen, click HERE.  While you're there check out the new Tip Hotline and leave us a message or a rant about Mafia Wars.  You never know, you could make it on the show.  Also join The Informant Podcast Fan Page and leave your feedback or questions there.  You are all our family and The Informant Podcast is "Where Family Is First".

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