Nov 9, 2010

Rendezvous At The Pentagon: Air Force Uniform


The Air Force Uniform has been unlocked and the moment we all have been waiting for is here.  It is true that we can get more than one of each loot item for each uniform and the mastery item as well.  The invisible achievement magically appears once you accept your 100th uniform and we can replay the event up to 3 times.
The Air Force Uniform is now on the free gift page.
It's also been added to The Link-a-Nator by Team Spockholm.
The same rules as the Army and Navy Uniforms apply.  You get a Angel's Grace with stats that increase with each level of mastery.  Notice that the defense score actually decreases on the Silver Mastery.
Brag about it by spamming your friends news feeds.
It says I look damn good in uniform.  I'll let you be the judge of that.  Here is a picture of me when I was in the Army a long time ago.
Once you collect Gold Mastery reward it's time to collect the Event Mastery item called Government Secrets.
You can add additional spam to your friends walls.
Now the fun begins because we have the option to replay the event 2 more times.
Click on the "Replay Event" button and all the uniforms reset back to zero.
Use a combination of the Get-a-Nator also by Team Spockholm, the Facebook search and any gifts you have saved in your Mafia Wars Message Center and Facebook request page.  Start collecting the required amount of uniforms of each uniform.  Keep track of your numbers because until you replay the event a 3rd time any uniforms you accept over 21 will be wasted.  Remember you can only accept 200 free gifts a day.  If you plan it out properly you should be able to master the event 3 times in a relatively short period of time.
Once you accept your 100th Uniform, you will get the Rendezvous at the Pentagon achievement which is found in your special achievements section.  The 63 you collected to master the event count towards this number.
I completed the event 2 times so far and here are all the items in my inventory.
ADon Steve completed the event 3 times and no longer had the option to replay the event. He got the message "You mastered the event all 3 times!  You would think that with all the details provided to us by Customer Support that they could have included this important bit of information (1).


  1. Thanks, I ended up changing it just in case General Cavezza has issues with his image being used on a blog. Doubt he would ever see it but better safe than sorry.

  2. woow you are very fast.....thanks for the info.


  4. Great piece of info(new info that it can be done a max of 3 times. And Jeniffer, you look so "elegant" in the picture. I differ from the opinion of anonymous as describing it as "sexy". My choice of word would be "elegant" ~ '-Harry McCain

  5. Awesome info on being able to do it more than once! How long does this event go for?

  6. yes you look damn good in uniform

  7. just got my 3rd :)

  8. damn only 3 times still got loads of uniforms gifts :/

  9. I hope to complete the event once. :P

  10. Thank you for your service to our great country!

  11. I do not have that achievement in my list of achievements!

  12. You look damn pretty in that uniform ;)

  13. I have a simple question... Does anyone know how long will the event last? Will it go off when Rumble in Russia starts? G. Turtansky


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