Nov 6, 2010

Port Timer


A timer has been added to the Port.  This sounds good in theory but the problem is it cost 16 Reward Points to speed it up.
Here are the options of skill point enhancing items.  Personally, I build the Water Truck everyday as it offers the greatest amount of skill points.
The New York properties all have timers and cost 12 Reward Points to speed up.  There is also a wider variety of choices to add skill points to your character.  We all know that skill points are permanent.  Prior to the Chop Shop being introduced to the game it was recommended that players use their Reward Points to buy skill points.  4 skill points cost 14 Reward Points.
Based on the numbers of skill points that are given for crafting items in the Chop Shop, Weapons Depot, and Armory, the recommendation was changed.  It's now advised to use Reward Points to speed up the timers NY property times.  Doing this for The Port in Italy is not a good idea.


  1. For my own character I am buying the Bola in the port. That ups my characters attack +15, and Defense +1 and a combined +28 for tournaments and it gives a +2 permanent attack. The Water Truck is nice but only gives me a tournament bonus combined increase of a plus 14, half of that of a Bola. The health points would be useful however I don't see the point in lower level players spending there because for someone like myself if I see that I can beat on you for a while and you wont be iced that just helps me and prolongs the attacking. The downside of this is I spend more money healing but I don't think I'll ever earn the NY Achievements anyway.

    Also the spending RP's on timers to me is good advice however not when we are experiencing a weekend like this. Double fight loot doesn't come around often and since I started playing this is now only the second time that they introduced new fight items to win. New fight items and double loot means to me this is a perfect storm for fighters to spend as many RP's on Stamina refills as you can possibly get this weekend only so you benefit the most. After they go back to giving single items this is no a viable strategy and the chop shop timers make the most sense for RP spending.

    I always enjoy reading your blog and it has become a regular visit of mine. Keep up the good work :)

  2. Just a stupid side question: where do you get all those weapon/vehicle/armor parts from? I can't even create an armor every day, leave alone speeding up the timer.
    Might be related to the fact I'm only level 480 with 1450 En and 930 Sta or maybe because I only have few active neighbors and 300 hired Guns instead, but I don't see myself looting enough of those even with twice that En/Sta or Mafia.
    Or i just miss something...

  3. upgrade your properties so they give you more parts and/or use robbing especially targeted robbing in NY to steal parts from others, use google to learn about targeted robbing if you don't what it means...

  4. So targeted robbing it is, my buildings are at max. level. Guess I will find out how that works, but for the moment, I'm brawling the fight list -just found that one out yesterday, but increased loot looked really promosing and it really pays off already!

    Thanks a lot, I'm getting into this game slowly, but steady! :)
    This fine blog helps a lot with that!

  5. @anonymous #1, thank you and I agree with you about the stamina refills for the 2X loot event that is going on for now. It's what I'm doing but if people read this after the event is over, it won't make sense and plus once the current loot becomes obsolete, people will wish they bought skill points instead. I said personally I was buying the Water Truck because I'm trying to get my health level to 1,000. Everyone will have their own way of doing it based on what type of player they are.
    @anonymous #2, another option besides targeted robbing is to trade for the parts. Glad this blog is helping you. :)

  6. Couldn't agree more MWLL about the timeliness of my posting (anonymous 1 here) and the relevance going away after the weekend. Your blog is a very important and must read for all players imo and sometimes others don't see the posts when they are added. For those people I hope they do not take my own advise after Monday.

    1000 health is a lofty goal but I'm not certain it is something I'd want to have for myself. I'm currently at 600 and wonder when I have someone sit on me attacking for a long stretch if I should have that much and maybe those skill points would have been better suited on my own Defense. Once the decision is reach there is no going back. If only health raised your defense!

    It's people like you who keep this game interesting to me during the boring times. Thank you for doing this for us :)

  7. Thank you again :) I wouldn't add to my health any other way but from the properties. Since I converted to a bigger stamina pool than energy, I found it much faster to have more health. The goal is to have my health last a minute from fighting so there is no wait time to heal. A larger health stat will also help with hitlist survival times. Since they changed it so you don't get loot for attacking dead targets, I found I haven't been sat on as much as before. If someone is doing that to you, you need to figure out who they are and what their beef is so you can hopefully get them to stop.

  8. I am SO glad I read your blog! You rock Jen! I had not noticed that you also got att/def/health options when buying items in the port! I never hovered my cursor over the item, Thanks for all the info!!!

  9. need more parts, get a mini, or two ;)

  10. this is really a fantastic blog for serious mw player... thumb up for the great job done!


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