Nov 4, 2010

Help Zynga Revamp Your Inventory Page


The Official Mafia Wars Blog and The Zynga Forum Boards have some exciting news about a solution to a problem we all share in Mafia Wars.  We have too much stuff in our inventory!  It's getting to be ridiculous and I'm thrilled that Zynga is addressing this issue and have plans in the work to let us manage and organize our inventory.  Read all about it on the blog and forums.
The Official Mafia Wars Blog
The Zynga Forum Boards
(all images below from the Zynga Forum Boards)
If you want to have some say in how this project is finalized, leave your comments suggestions and comments on this thread.


  1. I would like to be able to see exactly what is being used for both attack and defense. I think it would also be beneficial to be able to see how many items you need to collect/build to move up to the next level of items. ie if you have 30 weapons that are atk 43 and then 40 at atk 44 , then you would know to move your attack up you need to build/buy/acquire 30 more weapons at atk 44 or higher.

  2. I DO NOT like it. I want a simple listing, just as now, but smaller with an enlargement in pop-up form. I want to sort by just the parameters the list currently sorts by. (Weapons, Armor, Vehicles, Animals, consumables, etc)It breaks things out nicely, but it is just too large. They should also allow us to voluntarily eliminate items we do not need from it to trim down the space and memory requirements.

  3. I think they should have an store button, using which we can store away items which we will not use. Determining what we store is another matter but atleast those 1000 butterfly knives and all those small items which have accumulated over the months can be atleast kept away.


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