Nov 17, 2010

Fix This Now!


Yesterday, a lot of players started to experience problems when accepting gifts.  Today, Zynga addressed the issue with a lengthy and aptly titled Customer Support Page called  "Something has gone wrong. This error has been logged and we're looking into it" in Mafia Wars.  I got a kick out of the new voting system located at the bottom of the page.
I got a kick out of the voting option located at the bottom of the page. Zynga asks if we "Want this issue fixed?"  Click on "Vote!" if you want to "Fix this now!".  Of course I want it fixed.  If I didn't, I probably wouldn't be searching Customer Support for the issue in the first place.
I decided to play along and casted my vote.  I will say that I did have this problem yesterday and now I don't so it looks like something is being done about it.  I do know that as of now, the Serial Assassins Gifting Event is not affected.
Thanks to Bossy Don for providing the link to the Customer Support page.


  1. i need the link TOO WE NEED TO FIX IT@!! m tired of wasting giftz

  2. I've been getting this a lot - maybe 50% of the gifts... It's been happening to me ever since they tried to pull requests from FB and put them in MW the first time. Possibly 3 - 4 months... I think its a generic error generated for various different errors. Ie, the same verbiage in a common error routine. Who knows, but I've lost a lot and I'm ready to just walk away from Zynga - which would most likely improve my social life anyway......


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