Oct 19, 2010

Zynga Privacy Policy


Facebook and Zynga came under some fire when a team of investigative journalists published an article for the Wall Street Journal. The article accuses both companies of violating the privacy of their users (1).
Bill Lara from The Daily Post broke this story to the Mafia Wars community by sharing the following article from Business Insider (1).
Shortly after the Wall Street Journal publication, Zynga added the Zynga's Privacy Policy page to their list of top support answers for Mafia Wars and ensured us that all of their games conform to a strict Privacy Policy. To read the entire Privacy Policy, click HERE.
Facebook also had something to say about their Privacy Policy (1).  They provide the link to their Privacy Policy as well.
All I can say is if you have a Facebook account and play social games, don't add information that you wouldn't want to be shared.  It's unfortunate that Facebook goes makes us opt out of privacy violating options rather than opt in.  They also make it difficult for us gamers to interact with each other and there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it.

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