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Oct 5, 2010

Social Mission Bugs


With new features come new bugs.  I noticed a few when I checked on missions from last night.  The following message got me a little upset and I felt one of my mafia member intentionally removed me from the mission after I used stamina to complete my part.
In the heat of my anger, I posted the image above on my wall and left a not so nice message.  There isn't a way to see who the person you helped is. This is something I would like to see change because it's important we have a way to remember who we helped.  I got many comments and this was happening to others as well.  I don't think I was intentionally removed.  I apologize here to the person I accused of being a jerk.
Another problem I had was I wasn't able to collect the rewards from missions I helped on that were completed.  It said to try later.
Da Irish Kid from Mafia Wars Wiki stated earlier today that "Social Missions have been turned off (meaning no one can start one) temporarily, but missions already started should work just fine."  I checked on the Zynga Forum Board discussion thread Coming Tonight:  Social Missions and other players are reporting the bugs mentioned above as well.  Al Catraz, Super Moderator, responded to these issues.
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Originally Posted by dmdit2 View Post
On my son's accounts we keep seeing
Sorry, the leader removed you from this mission
Ah, No I did not, so why does it say i did, ?????????
neither did any one remove me from their mission,

I still have an active one and I was trying to remove someone but it tell me to try later,

So I was wondering "What's UP"
That is strange, and I have not seen Reports on that (although it hard, because it requires organized testing). Will keep an eye out on this one.

Originally Posted by ajcsousa View Post
I have a problem in a mission too ...

This mission is complete!

And when i hit the collect rewards button i got this:

Failed to give reward. Please try again later.

Tried several times but always the same error
This issue cropped up a little while ago. It has been Reported, and is being addressed
We were told that we would also get Loyalty Points for participating in these missions.  I was able to help in 5 of them and took a screen shot of my Loyalty Point balance before and after.  Nothing had changed.  I also noted that I was demoted from Gold to Emerald status.  Guess I didn't buy enough Reward Points this month.  If I earn 100 Loyalty Points, I will be promoted again.  I think you should get to stay on the level you achieve but that's not how it works.
Bossy Don of TopMafia.Info found some interesting things associated with the Social Missions feature.
Here is a player who has never played Zynga poker.  When he was rewarded with the Ace Up The Sleeve for helping with the mission, he also got th Ace Up The Sleeve achievement.  The achievement states it is for reaching Level 6 of Zynga Poker.  The loot item is a bonus for making it that far.
(image from TopMafia.Info, click HERE to view the post)
Notice here that the number of missions on the page doesn't match the number on the Missions Tab.
(image from TopMafia.Info, click HERE to view the post)
And finally, it seems the tabs are getting a little crowded.  Here is an image with the "War Over" notification hovering over the My Casino Tab.
(image from TopMafia.Info, click HERE to view the post)
I checked it out on my game and in all the other cities the "War Over" notification is over the Property Tab (which is what the Casino Tab is in Las Vagas).
John Sweeney Jr. attempted to remove a player who was slacking and holding up the mission.  He was told the job was already mastered when you can see here that the player hadn't even started it.
I'm sure there will be more bugs to report but overall I like this feature and hope it is back and running soon.


  1. Yeah, I got demoted to Emerald status from Gold also. The douchebags from Zynga couldnt even wait til Oct 1 to demote me..they did it on 9/29-9/30 LOL. I guess I will have to spend more this month :P

  2. hi, good day,
    this is 'off-topic' comment.

    I like your blog, simple and straight forward as compared to Adi's M-W-M. I'm finding updates here first, before looking from other sources.

    But i like to recommend you to have more input from readers, by using your own forum board, incorporating it in your blog 'pages' (as above, u got several links there).

    http://www.nabble.com/ so easy to use.

    just sharing.

  3. the mission bugs are still there. i reported it and zynga gave me a vicious tiger. but! the first 2 times I did a mission I got 3 items..
    now I have 10 missions pending (3 completed I can't collect)other 7 in limbo waiting for players to finish.. found out you can do 1o missions at a time which is good!

  4. @Encik, thank you very much. I started the fan page on Facebook hoping for that as well. The fans are starting to participate more. I will check out that site and look to bring something over here if people would like to see that. ~Jennifer

  5. What do you do when the person who started the mission has abandoned it and you are the only player...I have already spent my stamina on two of her missions. Can anyone help?


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