Oct 11, 2010

More on Atlantic City


Some players have gotten access to the mobile destination of Atlantic City.  I've already discussed the basics (1) and since then more has been discovered.
We didn't know if Atlantic City was only for US residents.  Zynga answered this question and many others on the Atlantic City Mobile FAQ Customer Support page.  Alantic City is available for anybody with a mobile phone that has an internet browser.
A player by the name of Blitz Energy started a Zynga Forum Board discussion thread titled Mobile Feedback: Atlantic City! (beta).  He was able to get to Atlantic City from his FireFox broswer.  I'm not sure how he did it.  If you want to learn more, visit the discussion thread linked above.  Here are the images Blitz Energy shared on the forums.  I didn't have time to try to access Atlantic City myself but will post about it when I do.
These are some more images that I got from an informant named Guess X.


  1. Where is this located at? I cannot find it

  2. @Anonymous
    Atlantic City is located at http://m.mafiawars.com/mobileweb


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