Oct 11, 2010

Mafia Wars Moms


Evil Ed seems an unlikely candidate to represent Mafia Wars Moms but he is the creator of the group Mafia Wars Moms.  If you are asking yourself why?, it's pretty simple.  Evil Ed was contacted by CBS and they were looking for moms who play Mafia Wars.  Once this happened, Evil Ed created the group and Mafia Wars Moms from all over the world now have a place to go where they can share their experiences with each other and make new friends.  If you are a Mafia Wars Mom, you are welcome and encouraged to join the group.  Kim Cunningham aka ΞD♠DΞ Killer Bunny is the lead admin and is a mother herself.  CBS interviewed Kim, Jana Gucci, and yes Evil Ed to get more of an idea about what Mafia Wars players do.  From this interview, CBS created the segment below.  Not everybody is happy that CBS turned the segment around and labeled gaming on a social network an addiction and pointed out all the warning signs.  Although there is a lot of truth behind it, it should have been a separate segment.  If you have a Mafia Wars addiction, you probably already know about it.  Regardless, it's nice to see that Mafia Wars and the moms who play were recognized on the CBS Early Show.

1 comment:

  1. F.A.I.L... so much hype about this show and thought they gonna tell somethin nice about the game n those who played the game, instead they jus called everyone online freaks n asked to get a life lmao...


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