Oct 17, 2010

Masked Robbery: Rock


It's time to make sure you complete the Masked Robbery event.  All changes to get the Executive Decision will end at 12 am Eastern Time. The Rock Mask is now available.
Nothing is different with the procedure for mastering the Rock Mask. Simply accept enough masks to gain the Gold Level of mastery.
If you don't have enough requests, read my article on doing a refined Facebook search for gift links(1) and type the name of the mask you need in the search bar.  Here is an example of Da Irish Kid's gift links.  All of the masks are there.
You get one KAO Rockstar with increasing statistics for each level of mastery.
As soon as you collect the Gold Level mastery reward, you get the opportunity to collect the grand prize.  This one is well worth all the hassles of collecting 18 masks a day for the past three days.  The Executive Decision has an attack of 130 and a defense of 102.  It's an awesome combined weapon that should help us all do better in the Las Vegas fighting tournaments that most players have trouble winning.
When you finish, you can tell your friends about it by creating this very odd wall post.  There is no image and I was able to tell everyone that I have enough masks to never lose face.
Since I have so many masks, I decided to check them out in my inventory. Hey!  Who took all my masks? There were only two masks in my entire inventory and I'm left wondering what will happen the next time I lose face.
Since I posted videos for Bubba and Dubya, I'll do one for Rock as well.  I didn't have time to find the funniest one possible (there were thousands to choose from).  Right after the election, the following video was quite popular.

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