Oct 8, 2010

Mafia Wars Message Center


When Facebook changed the request page on September 21st, Zynga gave us a new message center.  By now you should all be very familiar with it because it pops up every single time you log into the game.  It's very much like the old one that was taken away because of all the cloning scripts that took advantage of it.
Slowly but surely the message center is being updated in accounts so that gifts we normally accept on the Facebook request page can be accepted right in our Mafia Wars game.  Today myself and many other players got the in-game gifting feature.  A maximum of 100 requests will be stored in the message center and you can view them collectively or by type.
It's pretty cool and you can easily accept and return gifts.  Simply click on "Accept" or "Open" gift to claim it.
And then use the "Send a Free Gift Back" button to start the return process.  Click on "Send to So and So" and your request will be generated.
Once you click send you will be back on the message center and can accept and/or return more gifts.  You can open a bunch at once and still have the option to return them.  Here are a bunch of Mystery Bags I opened and then later returned them.  I also noticed that the Loyalty Points I discussed a few posts ago show up here as well.  The advantage to getting them on the message center page is you don't have to do the extra click to accept them.
You can accept your Crime Spree requests from the message center as well.
The Mafia Invites and Energy Pack categories are a waste of space in my opinion.  We can accept all of our invites with one click on the My Mafia recruit page.  We need to clear them off the message page so they don't count towards the 100 limit.  It takes just as long to accept them as it does to ignore them so having the invites in the message center causes the "accept all" option from the recruit page useless.
You can send and accept energy packs from the home page so the same as above applies in this case as well.
It didn't take me long at all to go through all 100 of my requests.  I'm going to try to clear the message center out as requests come in.  You still need to look on your Facebook request page because I didn't see any Mission requests make it.  If you have over 100 requests, the overflow will also be on the Facebook request page.  Hopefully Zynga will review this feature and get rid of the unnecessary categories so more gifts can be accepted within the game.


  1. tried this earlier and if you do the zynga request 1st u can get double by then accepting 1;s on normal fb way

  2. @tony, I noticed that too but didn't mention it because any new requests that make it to your message center aren't showing up on the request page or vice versa. The only ones that will be there twice are older requests. I tried it out on a few of my energy accounts. Best to use JGrabAllGifts for the FB page and accept all the message center gifts.~Jennifer


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