Oct 25, 2010

Italy: Gone and Back In Less Than 2 Hours


Earlier today players started reporting that they could not access Italy. A Zynga Forum Board Ddiscussion thread titled suddenly can't access italy was started and the complaining began. Players were very upset and worried that they were going to lose progress and be their accounts would be reset. Soon Al Catraz, Super Moderator, jumped in and said the issue was reported.  Within the span of less than 2 hours, Italy was back to normal.
Zynga Customer Support posted Italy is showing as "coming soon".  They also state that a number of game features are currently being impacted but Italy will be the first to be resolved.  The page has been updated and Italy is fixed. They say "Users will be experiencing an altered gameplay experience while we correct the remaining features."
I'm not sure what all the remaining features that aren't working right are. I know Las Vegas loot was not giftable for a while but now it's back to normal.
We all need to be patient when problems occur in Italy. The alternative would have been to have a much longer Beta test period. Things like we saw today aren't uncommon and there is no need to panic when it happens. It was really nice that everybody got access to Italy within 3 days. The sacrifice is going to be we deal with bugs as they happen. I think 2 hours of waiting to get Italy back is better than waiting a few weeks while watching all the Beta testers work through it.

"We are going to make mistakes... although we are getting better at not making so many of them. When we do, we work hard to return the MW world to its natural order."/Nate, Zynga Community Manager

1 comment:

  1. Not a bug I'm used to seeing. Based on past experience I figured they knowingly decided to remove Vegas gifting like they did with Bangkok a few months ago. As for being locked out of Italy, that was just strange.


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