Oct 29, 2010

Halloween Mission + Nerf?


The Halloween Mission is here.  The mission has only been out a few hours and already it's been nerfed. I guess this is our trick from Zynga. The Halloween Mission center is located right on the home page.  You will see the "Get Started" button but first check out the all the different messages on it before you begin.
The image above is like a CNN news ticker. It changes every few seconds and provides us with information about how the missions work as well as a glimpse of the 3 rare loot items.  This is really cool and I was really happy that once a mission cleared, I could start a new one.
(click to enlarge)
My mafia was doing a fantastic job and I had about ten or so successful missions.  I had no plans on stopping and was going to start new missions all night long.  Zynga said "You can repeat the mission as many times as you want during the event".  I was moving right along when suddenly I got a timer.  What a buzz kill! Now I can't do another mission for 3 and half hours and the cool news ticker on my home page only has the 3 rare loot items flashing on it.
A nerf is a nerf and not much can be done about it so it's time to move on to the details of the Halloween Mission.  To start your own mission, click on the "Get Started" button on your home page.
You have to click on "Start Mission" to begin but close out the request page and use the option to ask your mafia for help.  Most of us want the Halloween Loot so you shouldn't have any trouble getting players to help.
There are 3 different mission types, one hard, one medium and one easy. They each have the same mission name "Crash The Mayor's Halloween Party" and the same possible loot rewards. The difference is the number of helpers and the energy and stamina requirements for the individual jobs.
To help your mafia with missions, look for one of the following requests in your news feeds. Zynga really got into the Halloween spirit and gave us four different Halloween themed requests.
Once you initiate or help on a mission, simply wait for everyone to complete their jobs and then collect your rewards.  Here are all the possible loot items you will get as rewards.
These are 3 new and rare Halloween Loot items.
So far I've gotten two Exploding Pumpkins and the other items aren't that bad.
I'm going to try to do as many as I can and hopefully I will get all the Halloween Loot items plus the two Mission Achievements that I'm still working on.


  1. Wow, you work fast, LootLady!
    Thanks for all the information above.
    I have to say, however, that I am so soured by these missions, I'm not doing them anymore. Not only is the exp return poor, the loot is not much to write home about, either. Chariots, for crying out loud.
    But, the worst of all is that people don't finish what they start and some of us sit on 10 unfinished missions and we can't do any more.
    So, no more Missions for this player...

  2. I agree, were good source of loot at start, now only for real life friends.

    does anybody if expired missions are automatically removed from the missions section?

  3. thanks for the info hun glad you come in to help out heaps hun helps my clan also thanks

  4. they have now nerfed the rewards aswell - only crap dropping for me now :(


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