Sep 1, 2010

Leveling Bonus Nerf


Mike Nestor posted the following image The Evil Ed Podcast Fan Page.  It looks like we will no longer be getting Reward Points when we level up.  Mike has almost 4,000 mafia members so the 2 hired guns he received are just a waste of pixil space.  Mike stated he still got 5 Skill Points, just not the usual Reward Point we get for every other time that we level.
(image was captured after 2 skill points were spent)
Apparently the change hasn't been implemented on all the servers.  I got the same old screen when I leveled up on an even number.  I didn't see the Reward Point I should have gotten.
I searched the Zynga Forum Boards and wasn't able to find a discussion thread.  I decided to take off my lurking hat and start my own.  I titled it Level Up Bonus Change.  I hope a moderator comments!  Why is it that anytime I say something nice about Zynga (see the post below this one), a big fat nerf is soon dropped on us?  Please comment or send screen shots of your level up bonuses.
UPDATE:  Minutes after I posted this, Al Catraz, Super Moderator, referred me to the discussion thread titled No RP on level up.  I never was that good at searching the Forum Boards.  It's not easy but I try my best.

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