Sep 22, 2010



Josh Miller, announced today on the Miller Marklets Fan Page that he has the Beta version of JGrabAllGifts working.  Yesterday I wrote about some changes that Facebook and Zynga made that affected gifting and JGrabAllGifts stopped working(1).  Josh fixed everything in less than 24 hours!  How does he do it so fast?  He did an awesome job and the Beta version is now available.  Keep checking the fan page for updates.  I tested it out and it worked great.  I also noticed the whole process went a lot faster.  For more information from Zynga about the changes, they have a post on the Farmville Forum Boards.  Just insert the word Mafia Wars whenever you see Farmville.  Here you will find FAQ and they want you to post your own questions as well.
To get the Beta version of JGrabAllGifts, follow the instructions below. 

1.  Go to Josh Miller's BETA Bookmarklets Page, read the disclaimer, and you will be directed to the Beta bookmarklets.
2.  Locate JGAG-Beta on this page.
2.  Click, drag, and drop JGAG-Beta into you bookmark toolbar.
3.  Go to your Facebook Request Page and click on JGAG-Beta and the program will start.
Here is what I got when I ran it.  This saved me hours of time and lots of clicking.
Don't forget to drop by the Miller Marklet fan page and thank Josh for all his hard work.  If you want to buy him a cup of coffee or something stronger, click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.  Thanks Josh!


  1. Don't you guys think that Cuba Mastery Items should have higher stats?

  2. Accepting Gifts...
    Grabbing gift:

    Grabbing gift:

    JGrabAllGifts done. 10 gifts grabbed.

    Total gifts accepted: 10
    Annoying junk ignored: 0

    Click here to close pop-ups
    (Be sure they're done loading first)

    I waited and waited but no pop ups at all, and nothing to tell/show what i got from the bags ...

    Plz tell me what i am doing wrong so plz guide me as i am a no0b.

    Set it to 10 max bag to open per 2.5 seconds a per instruction fromt he mafia video guy.

    Thx ahh opening 60+ bags manually tires me.

  3. Use firefox not chrome. You'll get the pop ups.

  4. Remember to turn off or make exception for pop up blocker!!!


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