Aug 13, 2010

New Mystery Bag Collection


There are new Mystery Bags and a new Mystery Bag Collection.  Items are only available through the Red and Blue Mystery Bags.  Check out the Mafia Wars Wiki Mystery Bag Page for more information.  They already have the colored images of the new items!  How do they do it so fast?  Wow.
(image from the Mafia Wars Wiki)
I'm sorry but I hate Mystery Bags.  They take too long to open and then you have to take the time to send one back or you feel guilty.  The always start out with great rewards and progressively get worse.  I don't have the time or the desire to jump though all the windows and wait for the dramatic countdown just to get a crappy boost or collection item.  What ever happened to the internal gifting page?  It was a lot easier then.  Until, the explanation point comes off the gift box icon and I'm no longer directed to the external gifts page, I don't care to open any Mystery Bags.  I'm sure I'm not alone and maybe this is why we all of a sudden for no apparent reason we have a new items to worry about collecting.  If the items are giftable, I will find somebody to trade with and be done with it and Mystery Bags.

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