Aug 5, 2010

Loot Organization


The options to acquire loot are getting out of control.  It seems like everyday some new and better loot item is introduced to the game.  Back in the day, you knew off the top of your head what the top 6 items you needed 500 of were and what job you needed to do to get them.  You just farmed or traded and it didn't take very long to get what you needed to max out your overall attack and defense scores.  Everything is different now.  The introduction of The Bangkok Faction Store, The Chop Shop, The Weapons Depot, The Animal Category, High End Fighting Loot, Las Vegas randomized loot drops, and Super Fighting Loot have made keeping track of loot a lot more complicated.  Blofeld's Item Analyzer and Loot List is a great tool that helps me figure out what I have and what I need to get.  I still would like to know and be comfortable with the basic information and not have to run this program every time I have a simple question regarding top loot.  To help me get a handle on all of this, I made some charts of the top loot items and categorized them by where the loot is obtained.
Super Fighting Loot
  High End Fighting Loot
Las Vegas Top Loot
Bangkok Faction Store
Bangkok Top Loot
Chop Shop and Weapons Depot
I combined all of these charts into one and circled the best possible attack and defense weapons, armor, vehicles, and animals in red.  None of the top items are giftable.  I circled the top giftable items in these categories in green.  Most likely, this article will be outdated in a relatively short period of time.  Las Vegas District 6 is still unlocked.  There were a few glitches and some players have already seen what loot items will be available to us.  I created these charts so I don't feel so overwhelmed about keeping track of all these loot items. (click on image to enlarge)  


  1. How about some pics/charts for what the best loot package is for Tournaments and for fighting in Cuba as well. Day Riders and Plasma Rifles are usually pretty pointless but in tourneys they are near the top lootable weapons.

  2. No Reinhardt&Otto?


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