Jul 15, 2010

New Game Header


A few days ago, Al Cartaz, a Super Moderator for The Zynga Forum Boards made a POST asking players to leave their Facebook profile links if they would be interesting in testing out the new game header.  ZokiBoss, volunteered and today has the new design on his account.  He has taken screen shots and is happy to share them with us.  Thank-you Zokiboss!  Al Cartaz made another post for the players Beta testing the new header to leave feedback.  To see what these players as well as Zokiboss have to say, click HERE.
(click on images to enlarge)

The screen shots from Zokiboss are below.  I really like that the word "Trading" is included.  Maybe this is a sign that Zynga will start to make it easier for everybody to trade more efficiently. (click on images to enlarge)
One of the downsides to having this game header on your account is that the Mafia Wars AutoPlayer will not work.  I asked someone from PlayerScripts.com to comment on this issue.

"The new Mafia Wars header is currently unsupported by MWAP. We are working on supporting the new header, but seeing as only a slim percentage of users actually have it (whether by asking for it or being unfortunate enough to have it on a new account), we cannot integrate it into the script yet, as 1, it would make MWAP considerably bigger in filesize (having to support both headers), and 2, it would impede MWAP's performance as it would have to check which header the account has each time it needs to click it. But, rest assured, we are working on it, and when it becomes mainstream (the same with the new layout) it will be supported. We have been here a few times before, and no doubt, we will be here again."/Gibson_sg, PlayerScripts.com

1 comment:

  1. I have one of the new accounts and it's not easier to gift. MWAP does not work and there is still the same 5 second or so delay between clicking the send gift button.


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