Jul 29, 2010

Hitlist Servers


Since I've mastered robbing, I've been using my stamina to fight.  I've been out of the fighting game for a while now and I've discovered a lot has changed.  Especially with the hitlist.

What I'm finding is that people don't like it when you ice them.  I'm always discovering that I've been placed on the hitlist.  This used to be a good thing because I would gain experience points.  There have been a few changes in fighting which have caused this to no longer be the case.  I don't think I will ever beat my longest hitlist survival time.  I was so close to lasting 2 hours which is the maximum amount of time anybody can stay on the hitlist.
The three main changes that made hitlist survival a lot more difficult are.
1.  Loot now drops when fighting off the hitlist.  This has attracted more players to use their stamina on the hitlist.  Fighting off the hitlist is much faster than PvP fighting and now that you get loot, why waste time.
2.  The Power Attack feature enables a player to attack you five times instead of one.  This makes it a lot faster to knock someone off the hitlist.
3.  Attacking iced players yields less experience and zero loot.  In order to make it to the hitlist, your health has to be above 20 so the hitlist is a good place to troll for living targets.

In my article on The [LCN] Combat Calculator I mentioned a feature which will tell you what hitlist server your character is on.  There are a total of 20 hitlist servers and mine was on #19.
There is also a website called Hamstergaming.com which lists and updates all 20 servers.  This is good to use if you know you are on the hitlist and want to keep an eye on your progress or if you want to watch the person you placed on it die.  You can also go to the profile of anybody listed and attack them.  This way you are not limited to just one server.  Click on the link above to view all 20 servers.  I have this link bookmarked and refer to it on a regular basis.
We all just need to accept and roll with the fighting changes.  I don't like always being iced but I'm getting used to it.  One of my mafia members, James Neil, wrote an excellent note about the hitlist titled Hitlisting for Dummies 101.  While you are there check out some of his other notes.  I've learned a lot of things from reading them.  I also found a funny link on his wall.  I'm not 100% sure who created this so if you know please comment.  Click HERE here to see and bookmark it for later so you can send it to your mafia members whenever they whine and complain about being put on the hitlist.

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