Jul 7, 2010

♥•*¨*•.♪♫!Can You Type Like This?♪♫•*¨*•.♥


Have you wondered how people type all the symbols you see posted on Facebook profiles, news feeds, comments and Mafia Wars character names?  My keyboard doesn't have these symbols on it.
 My Friends From MIG
John Mac TheKnife
 Celebrates His 50,000 Icing!
 A Few of My Favorites
The Most Annoying Symbol Ever
(look at all the space this thing uses!)
  When You Really Like A Post
 For Your Internet Girlfriend

I decided to change the name of my Mafia Wars Character and I wanted it to look cool.  To learn how to do this, I searched the internet and found a bunch of sites that told me exactly how.  I'm not into all that computer code stuff and it seemed too complicated for me.  I was ready to give up and resort to Plan B which is to ask a smarter mafia wars family member to do it for me.  Half the time, this is my Plan A as well.
I tried one last search and found a Facebook Application called Status Symbols.  This application has over 2,000 symbols.  It will convert your text and post it for you.  To start using this application today, follow the instructions below.
1.  Go to the Status Symbols Fan Page and click like and then "Go to Application.
2.  Allow the application access to your account.
3.  Once you are in the application, click on "Add to Profile". 
4.  From the "Status" Page, click in the box with the red explanation point and allow the application permission to post on your wall.  You will only need to do this once. 
5.  Now you are ready to start creating what ever it is you want to write.  From the status page, simply write what you want and click on "Styles" until you find the perfect look.  Add symbols at any time by clicking on them once.  You'll need to practice it a few times but it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.  If you don't want it posting for you, just copy and paste your results.  I found you have to highlight the phrase, click CTL+C to copy and CTL+V to paste.  Left clicking on the mouse to copy and paste didn't work for me.

Add your own text, single line text and symbols into the bar located next to your Facebook name
Single Line Symbols
Single Character Symbols
I wanted to change my name to Blog Beotch.  I went to the Status Symbols Application page, crafted a cool looking name with card symbols, and went to The Marketplace for a name change.  I entered my new name plus the tag of my group, The Las Vegas Mafia and it didn't work.  It said I had more than 30 characters. {$LVM$}♠♦вℓøģ вεøτ¢н♥♣ is only 22 characters!  Just like with the "The Rack of Chips", Zynga doesn't know how to count.  I had to start all over, remove the card symbols and resubmit the request.   My new name is"{$LVM$}вℓøģвεøτ¢н", level 1083 Fearless.  I still want those card symbols!


  1. The real explanation behind this lies in the way how your characters are stored in the underlying database. Very probably Zynga uses a MySQL database and connects to is (as visible in the code) using PHP and Javascript.
    The database fields need to allow for UNICODE (UTF-8) encoded characters to be stored. Most regular characters will use 1 byte but there are some that may use 2 or more bytes.

    {TAG} MYNAME = 12 bytes including the space
    {ƬƋƓ} MYNAME = 15 bytes (using 3 double byte characters)

    If the MW application tells you too long, it is not counting the characters bu the bytes. My clan uses 3 different tags and 2 of them use 3 double byte characters. It seems that Zynga has a field set up for th ename that can only allow for 32 bytes.

    Hope this helps.

  2. {$LVM$}♠♦вℓøģ вεøτ¢н♥♣
    {$LVM$} = 7 bytes
    ♠♦вℓøģ = 12 bytes (double byte characters)
    space = 1 byte
    вεøτ¢н♥♣ = 16 bytes (double byte characters)

    Total is 36 bytes > 32 maximum

    {$LVM$} = 7 bytes
    вℓøģвεøτ¢н = 20 bytes

    Total = 27 bytes < 32 maximum

  3. Thanks, I figured those symbols counted as more than one but it's always fun to cite Zynga with incompetence!

  4. I want to replace the DH with GF, but I just cant find a way to do that. When I copy paste it into new name on Zynga, the letters are just plain..
    [** ******]ᴰᴴIceThirst

  5. Status Symbols App seems unavailable to me, boo-hoo :(

  6. is there any way to type fonts that aren't include to the application? ty

  7. looks like the app doesn't appear if you don't already have it. any info on another way to get those fonts?


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