Jul 4, 2010

Café World : How to get to Level 10 fast.


I got to Level 10 in Café World and it was pretty easy.  I followed the advice of one of my mafia members, Patrick Malouin Dacosta, who explained that you don't need to know how to play the game, just focus on getting the medals.  Medals gain you experience and you can level quickly.  If you haven't set up this application (to include unblocking it), read Part 1 of Café World.

My original Avatar was looking a little frumpy so I was happy to give it a make over.  Just like cameras, these Avatars add 10 pounds.  Here are a few of my new looks and the medals I received.  To change your look, click on the little picture of the shirt.

You can add neighbors to get medals.  This is easy for Mafia Wars players since we have so many friends.
Firing people will also get you a medals.  All you need to do is hire someone and then fire them.  Click on the little waiter to hire or fire somebody.  I'm sure they will understand that all you want is the Meat Tenderizer and it's not personal.

Letting your food spoil is another easy one.  Prepare a few dishes by clicking on a stove and don't serve them when they are ready. 

There are other badges but these were the ones I worked on.  To see them all, click on the badge icon.
Don't forget to accept and use your free gifts.  They will help you gain experience.
Here are the Café World versions of the revolver and the white screen of death.  Expect a lot of these.
I was happy to get to Level 10 and eagerly went to my Mafia Wars Account to see if my Meat Tenderizer was there.  It wasn't.

I checked my inventory, clicked on the in game messages and clicked on the little picture of the Meat Tenderizer on top of my screen.  It was no where to be found.  Patrick never got his either.  Zynga placed the Meat Tenderizer in his inventory after he created a Customer Support Ticket.  This is the reply Zynga gave him (click on images to enlarge)

I created my own support ticket.  Bossy Don of Top Mafia.Info suggests that you be nice because they seem to help you quicker.  Below is the nice version that I actually sent and the version that I wanted to send.
Bossy was right!  Within 5 minutes of sending the first message, I got a response and The Meat Tenderizer was added to my inventory.  I'm glad I didn't send the second message and it's cool to know that Zachary is looking out for me (one of Zyngas most valued customers) and has my back.


  1. I had a similar experience with the Reef Shark, and Zynga's support was just as friendly as yours. Good to know they have our backs! ;)

  2. I just wrote a tutorial. It gets you from start to level 10 in less than 30 'in game minutes'. Ten minutes to prep the game, wait a couple of hours (it says 4 in the Guide but 2 will do) then 20 minutes to finish it all off. Check it out at www.facebugged.com - go get your carving knife :O)


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