Jun 26, 2010

Mystery Animals


Once again, I log into my Mafia Wars account and there is something new.  We can now send each other Mystery Animals.  It's not a mystery anymore, here is a list of the known animals and their stats.  These animals don't have very good stats.  The Mafia Wars Wiki Mystery Animals Page has already listed all of the available animals.  These are like the free gifts and can not be re-gifted or traded.  The King Cheetah (21/42) is a better defensive animal than the Forest Scorpion (25/37) but I'm not sure how many Mystery Animals I would have to accept to get 500 of them.  It may be easier to go for the Rhinocerus (20/54) from fighting or the Xiamen Tiger from the Bangkok Faction Store (26/52) (images from The Mafia Wars Wiki Site).  If you refer to the article published before The Las Vegas Loot Event started,  Guess X provided me with some images.  He was disappointed that he got two of them wrong.  The two that weren't part of The Las Vegas Loot Event are two of our Mystery Animals.  Way to go Guess X.  Thanks for sharing your information!  

There are two ways you can send these animals to your friends.  Click on the banner located on your Mafia Wars home page or check the boxes nest to the daily checklist.  Click "Send Animals" and choose the people you want to send them too.  They will receive your gift on the Facebook page.  I'm not sure about the in-game gifting message page because mine isn't working right now.  When you accept the gift, it will show up in the same manner as the Mystery Bags so you have to click on another prompt.
I have no idea what the numbers mean on the pop up above.  I looked around and couldn't find anything.  If someone knows, please comment or contact me.

1 comment:

  1. Numbers means how many different items you have in each category. ;)


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