Jun 30, 2010

Game Design Changes


Zynga didn't waste any time.  Within 24 hours of asking us which design we preferred for the new game header, there are reports of new accounts having a new look already.  I broke into my brothers Facebook account and signed him up for Mafia Wars.  Here is what his header looks like.  A great article to read to get more information on the changes made to new accounts is New York For New Players! by The Mafia Wars Maniac.  She has lots of great screen shots to look at.  Also read the this article if you want to learn about the new crappy loot items available in New York.
My Brothers New MW Account
My Account

1 comment:

  1. It look great, but when you has that new type of design you can run some kind of bookmarklet like Stream Helper, Brutus Helper and more.. i Sshow error on it.. Really bad on it.. :(


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