Jun 6, 2010

7-11, Revisited


UPATE#2:  Mafia Wars Maniac is on top of this.  She now provides an excellent article of how to get around the problem of living outside the US or Canada.  I don't think it's fair that anyone who doesn't live in these 2 countries should be excluded from any type of promotion that will provide advantages in the game.  Zynga should not do this.  I'm glad there are many Mafia Wars Players who are smarter than Zynga and figured out a way to bypass this unfair rule.  Thank you Mafia Wars Maniac for helping all the many players living outside of my country and Canada.  Click HERE to read the instructions and redeem your 7-11 code.

UPDATE:  Mafia Wars Maniac reports that residents outside the US or Canada can no longer enter the codes to activate the Corner Store Collection.  I hope this is a temporary glitch but if it's not, don't trade your valuable loot for codes that will no work.  To learn more about this read the article titled 7-Eleven Promotion-Failed!

When Zynga announced the upcoming 7-11 promotion, I wrote an article about it.  I assumed I would start to see the collection items drop from jobs and fights.  I waited and nothing happened and then I saw others posting that they had already vaulted the collection.  I realized that I too would need to go to 7-11 and get the code that activates the collection making it visible in my account.  I was not looking forward to this and have put it off until now.  After a good night of poker at the Rio, I decided to make a stop at the 7-11 on Las Vegas Blvd (The Strip) and check it out.  I know it wasn't the best of ideas to go to a 7-11 in a bad part of town by myself with a purse full of poker money at 3 in the morning but I took the risk so I could get this collection, 50 skill points, and write this article.  Bernard Shaw risked his life as bombs rained outside his hotel in Baghdad so I figured I could risk mine to let you all know about this promotion.  I was living on the edge and even filled up my gas tank!  When I arrived at the 7-11, I was impressed to see a large banner promoting Zynga and Mafia Wars.
I asked Wong, the sales clerk, what I needed to buy for this promotion and I was not so impressed with his answer.  He didn't know what I was talking about and told me to come back after 10 am the next day.  
I asked the two random drunk guys in the store if they knew.  They didn't even know what Mafia Wars was.  What!!!??? I thought everybody knew about this game.  They tried to help but other than the small ego boost I got from their drunken compliments, they were of no use.
I roamed around the store and finally found a display with a bunch of Slurpee cups, potato chips and candy with the promotional codes on them as well as a stack of Mafia Wars game cards.  I bought a bunch of stuff and was now on my way to getting the 7-11 collection vaulted.  I got home armed with my codes and was ready to go.  I reread the instructions located on the Zynga Customer Support site and then went to http://www.buyearnplay.com/.  I now found the place where I needed to enter the code located on my Slurpee Cup.  You have to sign in with your Facebook account.


I entered my code and got a virtual game card with a "punch" on it and my Corner Store Collection was now visible on my Collections Page.  I then spent about 300-400 energy points on a low energy job in NY and iced about 3 people on my fight list and got all the items.  I vaulted the collection and got a 22LR.

Now I wanted those 50 skill points.  I took all my codes and entered them but was disappointed that learn that the code was missing from one bag of potato chips (some jerk must have pulled it off and stole it!) and you need to buy different types of items to get hole punched.   What a waste of 4 bags of potato chips!!! 
You can also get a punch for visiting http://www.slurpee.com/ and registering.  I went ahead and did this for the sake of this article but find it annoying that Zynga and 7-11 would think I care enough about the Slurpee world to be notified by e-mail when something new and exciting happens.
I will update this post when I go back to 7-11 to get the rest of my codes so I can receive 50 skill points.  This promotion is only available to people who live in the US and Canada.  If you live somewhere else, don't worry, many of the great fan pages I have listed on this blog are having contests for them and codes are available for trade on most of the trading sites.  Go to the trading site page of this blog to find links to these sites.  Check the discussion boards to learn more.


  1. 3 slurpee codes none worked, all said they had been used or I entered the code wrong

  2. I was surprised by all the cups with visible codes just piled up by the Slurpee machine towards the back of the store. The codes on all the food items can easily be seen or pulled off. There is no way to know if someone wrote the code down and used it before you. No wonder Zynga teamed up with 7-11, they both don't think things through before implementing faulty systems.

  3. I am in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and The 7-11's here say they are a different chain of 7-11's and are not participating. I drove up here from Tulsa because we don't have 7-11s there, just for that purpose now I look at the add and it says at Participatign 7-11's! Frustrated in Okie City

  4. I went to 7-11 today and got some slurpees, chips, and 2 cups of coffee. Where the coffee is there is a sign saying that only the large green coffee cups are in the promotion. I took everything home only to find NO CODES on the large green coffee cups. The slurpee and chips worked fine but don't be fooled..look at the coffee cups and make sure they have a code on them. Anyone want an extra coffee??


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