May 21, 2010

Crime Spree & Other Upcoming Features


Zynga attempted change the Gift Safe House to the Crime Spree.  It was up for a few hours and then reverted back.  We have seen this type of thing before with the yet to be implemented for the third time Top Mafia feature.  Who knows if it will be back.  The Mafia Wars Wiki has started a page on the Crime Spree and several of the gifts you can receive are listed.  Now we can add the Crime Spree to the following list of "coming soon" features:
1.  New Top Mafia Feature-2 attempts so far.
2.  Animal Feature - Zynga claims this is exciting. I'm bored waiting for it.
3.  The Fight Club -"Coming Soon".  This looks like it will be fun.
4.  Las Vegas -"Coming 2010"
5.  Crime Spree
6.  Armory Depot & Breeding Pen 

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