Aug 28, 2010

Problem Pignatas


Last night I accepted my 3 Pignatas and was told I would have to wait until the next day (5 hours) to accept more.
Zynga time can be faster than real time so I tried a few minutes before midnight and had no luck.  The timer on these was accurate.
After that, I forgot all about the Pignatas and missed the 5 hour mark to accept 3 more.  I didn't try again until this afternoon.  I was surprised to see how many Pignatas were sent to me.  It was too bad that I could only open 3 of them and the rest would expire.
I wasn't happy when I opened my first one.  I was told I already opened 3 and would have to wait 11 hours.  Unless somebody hacked into my account and opened 3 Pignatas, this was not accurate.
Bossy Don posted on Top Mafia.Info that she had the same problem.  Other commented that they did too.
There are also a few discussion threads on the Zynga Forum boards (1),(2).  Al Catraz offers the excuse that the "The Timers seem to be a little funky for some".
I laugh when I accept a Pignata that I'm not allowed to accept.  I get a message on the top of the page that says I accepted a Pignata and then a second message at the bottom of the page telling me I cannot accept anymore today.


  1. What's weird is that you really do accept the Pignata, you just don't open it for a nice prize. I have a Pignata sitting in my loot list now and no apparent way to open it. I can accept 2 more Pignatas today, but that one just sit there staring at me. Funny...and probably a good bit of info for those weirdo collectors out there.

  2. but u don't get any reward if it


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