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Nov 20, 2015

Mexico 5X Mastery Event


For the next 5 days there will be 5 times the mastery in Mexico. The timing for this isn't a good sign. Normally the mastery events before a new location is released are in the previous destination which would be Los Angeles. I hope Zynga isn't planning on shutting down Mexico like they did with South Africa. That would be the end of stamina jobs unless Japan ends up having a few. Cutting Winds will randomly drop while doing jobs in Mexico but they aren't very helpful.


  1. C'mon Zynga.. remove Chicago or something, leave Mexico alone

    1. Mexico's the lesser of two evils for removal-
      Chicago is useful for extra health and Rob Squads

    2. Mexico is the reason most people are able to serial level, I'd rather have that than some extra health or rob squads which you can just ask for.

    3. I can serial level - and I NEVER use Mexico stamina jobs. I use arena or siege - works great. Quit the whining for Pete's sake, haha... EVERY time a destinations shuts down, the scripters go crazy :P

      And while on the subject of shutting things down - please refer to me WHERE in fact you saw that Mexico is IN FACT about to be shut down. Or is this a matter of expecting the worst? I bet you Mexico will NOT be shut down - so, at least shut up till we know :P

  2. Doesn't say shit about Mexico shutting down... why is everyone so freaked out about this? Didn't we just have a similar 3x Mastery event somewhere WITHOUT that destination shutting down?? I am pretty sure it would say something like "Mexico will be shutting down on (insert date)" This is just a help for the slackers in Mexico... TRY smiling and being happy for once... and if those two words mean nothing to you... google that shit and switch to "images" There you will see REAL people being happy and smiling... I swear to you... I ain't lying...

  3. And you wonder why players are leaving.....removing what we rely on to play the game and leaving us with lower xp jobs, leave Mexico alone Now we will have to play more to get things done. Zynga, you created this mess, I am sure you can clean it up if you want to...

  4. time for Chicago or London to go most people have finished it leave Mexico good ratio pay pout for jobs on that hopefully Japan will be working ok Just saying as Zynga not been very good lately dont fix nothing

  5. stop the whining every time zynga does something and close a destination we always find a way to keep leveling.....

  6. I think the assumption Mexico is closing is a little previous - we haven't had it all that long, I would be really surprised if Zynga closed this particular destination. Wouldn't bother me anyway, I finished it long since but I know a fair number of players are still working on it. I'm more bothered about Japan being introduced before I have chance to finish LA - hate working two locations at once :D

  7. For the people saying "Why are people jumping to conclusions about Mexico closing, it doesn't say anything like that." Every time they have closed a city they have done mastery event's before the city get's closed.
    I would rather London or Brazil, Brazil preferably, yeah it gives a bigger bonus and you might get some SP's vaulting the Gems but it's basically useless now except when they do an event. Chicago is the only city that gives health and London you can get your daily item for a couple SP's. Mexico is probably the only city worth while with decent ratio's and it doesn't take too much energy for job's.
    I understand why Zynga might want to make the jobs use a percentage of your total Energy but they probably should have put a max limit on them. I've only completed the first sector to Ruby in LA with the others still on gold and my energy per job in the first sector ranges between 100K - 200K and a few at 100K in the next two that are still only gold.
    The ratio's are Crappy and the amount of Energy needed for some jobs is a joke.. At least I did think to collect some consumables before moving up a tier. However, by adding the showdown bosses for each tier/chapter and the need for consumables for them as well just make it a turnoff. Especially since to collect more consumables will take forever now and you can count on needing them since every time Zynga have an event jobs are in LA and you can guarantee some will need consumables.
    They could do everyone a favour and remove LA and everyone would be happy since it just suck's. Or at least adjust how it's configured to make it semi playable and not just a chore. Not like they haven't adjusted ratio's to suit them before but hey they are just trying to squeeze more money out of people.

    1. There is ALWAYS one moron that just doesn't get it...

      ... on October 13, 2015 we had a Los Angeles 3X Mastery Event - it lasted for 4-5 days - did LA shut down?????????

      I rest my case... but, there is always people who want to see the world burn due to their negativity. EVERY single time a destination shut down in the past, we were given fair warning and 2 weeks notice... these 4-5 day 3-5x mastery events are just to help the poor stamina accounts - Zynga would hate to lose business, so keeping the stamina mobsters happy, by offering a mastery event is a good thing... why cant you just enjoy it and stop crying about the end of the world... moron!

  8. I thought they did these multi-mastery things before city collection drop things ?


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