Sep 19, 2015

Lucky Break 11


The 11th Lucky Break is now available. The last few events of this type have caused very annoying Facebook security checks [1]. There is a small improvement this time. The security checks are only showing up when you share your vaults but not when you ask for cards. The obnoxious image checks that don't work show up a few times and then you get the captcha checks. The only way out is to guess what letters and numbers they are trying to show you or refresh the game. It's very irritating and Zynga should be embarrassed about it. This is the 3rd Lucky Break that this has happened and it's the only event we see these kinds of security checks. They also happen with the Secret District boss fight ammo requests but that's easy enough to ignore. If you're interested or need a review of how this event works, a walkthrough can be found here. The loot rewards for this event can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. So far I only got security checked once in about ten shares. I simply went back to the FB home page and reloaded the game. Meanwhile my Feed center from MWAddon showed about a dozen successful shares. No way to know out of how many attempts.


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