Sep 8, 2015

Fights Updated


Fight Carnage is officially over. Depending on your account and fighting preferences, this is either good or bad news. Fighting has been permanently updated and it looks just like Fight Carnage! If Fight Carnage ending was good or bad news to you than the fight updates are either bad or good news.


  1. LET THE BITCHING AND MOANING BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. Well this is dumb.. you still have to use a lot of stamina to attack, no more single / power attacks... and it still takes 5 seconds to attack, all they did was remove the word carnage and kept everything

    1. Your exactly correct. Not a damn thing changed, (except removing the title).

      Such is the way of the world we leave in. Say one thing and either do nothing at all or or do the exact opposite of what was said. This is how many groups, businesses, etc in "charge" deal with those of us not calling the shots.

      My biggest gripe w/ this new fighting set-up aside from the ones stated above is that no matter what your strength is in att or def regarding skills pts the amount of damage you inflict or receive is based on your level. I have tested this theory on a number of accs w/ various strengths and I never got above 300 damage, (at level 5100 when attacking any opponent let alone a much weaker opponent. Yet when an acc that gets hit by a much higher level account, ( 20k and up) win/ or lose but especially lose the damage done is at least 5x that. So again it's not the strength that determines the damage but your level.

      And to the "person" that refers to bitching and moaning. Firstly I bet he/she is a high Level acc and secondly don't worry the bitching and moaning will be minimal but I believe the mass exodus from the game won't be. And the bitching and moaning will then commence from the likes of you when you have no one to fight but other types like yourself. I have played this game since just before Cuba was released and have put up with a lot of the BS that we all know about but when you spend over 10K of stamina and don't get one ice and still have half your own health left and no stamina left what's the point?

  3. My Health is 10k, and my Stamina is 11k. It takes almost all my Stamina just to get my Health below 20 once! And of course, the other player can heal multiple times in the many minutes it takes to "fight" every 5 seconds. This obviously still needs major tweaking for us manual players!

    1. OBVIOUSLY, you need to increase your stamina and health!

  4. They fixed the fight exp ratio so I am happy again. End of issues on this for me. Back to regular game play.


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