Sep 3, 2015

Craftmania 10 Coming Soon


There is great news and it explains why I haven't been able to find an image for the next Limited Time Property or Extortion Run. The 10th Craftmania is on the way. Those who finished all of their Limited Time Properties will get a break and those who didn't will get a chance to catch up. It's been 4 months since we have seen one of these and the Ski Lodge was the most recent property during the last Craftmania. There have since been 8 properties so any 3 after the Ski Lodge could be used.


  1. No matter what I do, level 13 is my top in properties w/o a Craftmania. So this is welcome. My top in Extortion is level 12. We could 'do' with an Extortmania too :)

  2. Great news, my last few properties are levels12-14 so a chance to finish them off is definitely welcome :o)

  3. This is nice of them, I totally forgot that you can upgrade older properties again


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