Jun 19, 2015

Limited Time Property 54 Coming Soon


Images for the next Limited Time Property have been added to the servers. I could only find this small on but it looks like a Fireworks Stand.


  1. look like a hat store

  2. If you zoom in on the picture really close... it actually looks like a boxing ring inside a house with glass walls... and the red and blue "dots" are boxing gloves... and a championship belt underneath them... so, could be a Boxing Arena - or Gym of some kind.

    But aren't they a bit late with this announcement? I mean... we still have +5 days left on the Aquarium...but I guess 5 days is plenty time to get this one out as soon as the old one expires :P Keep the insanity going, Zynga :D You know your players SO well :D I guess, pushing out these properties, are worth it money wise... enough people must be buying parts to finish them in time.

    Oh, which reminds me... why not make it a BENEFIT (yes, Zynga... a benefit) that high ranking VIPs... say,from Platinum and up, could build from 7 properties every 12 hours... now THAT would give us a little incentive to actually stay VIP subscribed :P

  3. Look like a fighting arena for me,with the glove and the belt on the top and i can see a ring. Oh now they repeat the property...they already did a fighting cage.

  4. Hey Zynga , a lot of us refuse to do these anymore, but are you listening? Nah..... the person above must be right, someone must be spending money on these properties. Or, perhaps they are so easy for the 12 year old developers to clone and push out that they keep releasing them. No imagination required...

  5. waste of time.....never get them finished...alright if you doing 12 levels...not 15...


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