Oct 17, 2014

What Is A Arena Kill?


With the Urban Assault Missions comes a brand new type of task for the Arena. In the past all Arena Mission tasks have involved participation, ices, damage and loot drops. Now we have Kills to contend with. Not only are these things excessive they are undefined. Common questions are “What are they?” and “How do you get them?”.  As shown below, searching the in-game instructions, the Arena FAQ and the Mob Fury FAQ, there is nothing even called a kill. From guessing and testing we can assume that it means to knock an opponents health down to 0 in any Arena but it would be better if Zynga told us exactly what they were. There are 4 Missions requiring kills in the Arena. To buy them off one would need to spend 16,000 reward points so the least Zynga could do is describe them. Thanks to Rick Bratt, the official answer is most likely contained in the Arena Killer Instinct FAQ. Zynga should figure out how to link this so players who ask this question will know for sure. Our own attempt at describing Arena Kills is shown below.

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Nothing in the in-game instructions for Shootout or Mob Fury Arenas explains what a kill is. The closest term is ‘reducing opponents Arena Health to zero’.
They say to read the FAQs to learn more so that was the next place to look. Doing a search of both FAQs doesn't even return the word Kill. The Arena FAQ had 6 ‘kills’ in a search but they were related to the Pain Killer Power Up.
If we go on the assumption that reducing an opponents Arena health to 0 is the actual description of a kill than all you need to do is find a live opponent, shoot them and wait for that red X to appear over their profile image. It’s requires less stamina and is faster to kill Easy targets than it is Normal or Hard. Through testing we found that you got the most kills in 100 Mob Fury Arenas. Unlike ices that have a flat rate of 1 per 500 stamina used, kills don’t fit into a nice formula as everything depends on your strength compared to that of your opponents.

Find Them
Shoot Them
Kill Them


  1. I would say they screwed up with kills instead of ices nobody will payooff this nor finish this mission as it with kills it needs to get fixed asap or another wasted mission

    1. I finished it. Not hard, just go for the lowest health

  2. An arena kill MAY be that YOU are the one to deliver the kill shot (if multiple shooters at same target).That's all I can think of.

  3. I'm getting an average of about 6 kills per 500 arena. Mob Fury seems to offer the most kills/arena, or at least that has been my experience so far. After 3 hours of solid play, and countless RPs spent on stamina refills, I'm sitting at 106/160 on the first tier. Not happy.

  4. It sounds worse than it is. The difference to the fight list is, you don't realize if you "ice" or "kill". I am not good in the arena but will finish this part today.

  5. It is relly hard to get all kills you need becuse you get so few every time you do arena.

  6. I killed 120 in arena but, you need more arena´s than for 120 ices, but it is possible to do it

  7. now it is in statisticks .. how many kills you got..


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