Oct 14, 2014

Power Plant: Limited Time Property 51 Coming Soon


Loot and images for the 51st Limited Time Property have been added to the servers and inventory so that Craftmania many were hoping for isn’t coming soon. This one is the Power Plant and it doesn’t look like there will be a bonus level. The home page banner doesn’t contain an icon for a bonus level and there isn’t an additional loot items. Some players are still confused by the bonus level for the Laundromat and most really don’t care as it was deceiving to those who didn’t read our posts about it [1]. I’m still getting inbox messages from players asking why they can’t upgrade it anymore! If you like these properties because they offer a good loot item to craft you will be disappointed if you maxed out on Launderides from the Dirty Laundry Secret District [1].  The Level 15 item is already obsolete for players who did. The VIP timer for the Laundromat today expires at 11:59PM PDT so we could see this property as early as tomorrow. The loot items for the Power Plant are shown below.

Unique Building Part
Mastery Item
Level 1-3
Level 4-6
Level 7-10
Level 11-15


  1. Confused or not, I'm fine without there being a bonus level; I never get past 13 with an 8-hour timer and without a Craftmania.

  2. the article doesn't seem to say what the stat bonuses are for each build item

    1. That's because it was written before the property was released. The article about the property will contain that information and will be posted shortly.

  3. yeah 2 hour cooldown between requests!

  4. http://prntscr.com/4wezsf
    29 Days remaining to build Bonus Level 16 item ;)

  5. Are we back to 2hr timers for parts requests? I see that some have already upgraded to level 6.


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