Sep 8, 2014

VIP Bounty 9


Frank Carver is back and the 9th season of the VIP Bounty is now available to VIP subscribers. These events last for only two days and you need to earn 800 Mementos to fully master it. The rewards for doing so are a Emerald Level Dune Daddy and +17 skill points. The loot was added to the inventory way back in July and the stats were not adjusted to compensate for time [1]. The event disappears from the home page so if you are/were running a script when it came out you may not have noticed it.  Before running to Customer Support or cancelling your VIP Membership check your inventory. For more information on how the VIP Bounty works, go here.



  1. All smaller players get battered for 2 days thanks vips

    1. Your welcome. :) I hear Farmville is less violent, give it a try.

    2. Bet you 10 bucks Farmville last longer than MW does. But maybe Zynga will send you a letter offering you some free cows in Farmville when they shut down the game. Then you two can help each other..:)

  2. It'd be nice to check my inventory if I knew what the loot piece was called. I don't get why they delete this page as soon as you finish it;

    1. Did you not read the post? The name of the item is contained within the text :)


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